Who I am is something that's hardly put into words. For what are we if not a changing river, alive, in motion, indefinable by adjective and noun?
At the same time, I believe an essence remains constant beyond all change.
My essence, or my color, is what I swear to uphold. And I will always be faithful only to it. And in that loyalty, I am faithful to you, for one who is not true to themselves is lying to you.
Many things move my soul, but above all else, communicating is my passion. And communicating my experience, expansion, doubts, and questions, with absolute transparency. In many cases, it will be through art and the concepts I associate with it. In some others, it will be me speaking.
In others, they will be writings.
Who I am then, if I must define it in dead words, is a man on a journey of self-discovery, who, through his love for art, stories, and the process, feels love and only love for conveying that path and that experience.
For I believe that life has
three fundamental pillars.
One is discovering who you are, your essence, that which is rooted deep within your being beyond all words; that which moves you
like the sun to the sunflower.
The second is releasing fear; the development of awareness and presence to such an extent that you can notice how humanity tends to live in constant fear. But also noticing how deep down, every human
just wants to love and be loved.
And finally, through your essence, that which moves you the most, helping others to discover themselves and release fear.
From me, then, expect nothing but that, MY essence.
Today my essence, my truth, seems to be art, especially photography mixed with philosophy in search of conveying profound concepts that help you discover who you are and release that fear more each day, focusing on a process of entirely authentic and real creation, letting go of tools like artificial intelligence.
So welcome to Me. For that is the only thing you will receive here. To Me. And it is in Me,
that I hope and wish, that your Me blossoms.
I love you,
In Aeternum; Amor Vincit Omnia,
Who I am is something that's hardly put into words. For what are we if not a changing river, alive, in motion, indefinable by adjective and noun?
At the same time, I believe an essence remains constant beyond all change.
My essence, or my color, is what I swear to uphold. And I will always be faithful only to it. And in that loyalty, I am faithful to you, for one who is not true to themselves is lying to you.
Many things move my soul, but above all else, communicating is my passion. And communicating my experience, expansion, doubts, and questions, with absolute transparency. In many cases, it will be through art and the concepts I associate with it. In some others, it will be me speaking.
In others, they will be writings.
Who I am then, if I must define it in dead words, is a man on a journey of self-discovery, who, through his love for art, stories, and the process, feels love and only love for conveying that path and that experience.
For I believe that life has
three fundamental pillars.
One is discovering who you are, your essence, that which is rooted deep within your being beyond all words; that which moves you
like the sun to the sunflower.
The second is releasing fear; the development of awareness and presence to such an extent that you can notice how humanity tends to live in constant fear. But also noticing how deep down, every human
just wants to love and be loved.
And finally, through your essence, that which moves you the most, helping others to discover themselves and release fear.
From me, then, expect nothing but that, MY essence.
Today my essence, my truth, seems to be art, especially photography mixed with philosophy in search of conveying profound concepts that help you discover who you are and release that fear more each day, focusing on a process of entirely authentic and real creation, letting go of tools like artificial intelligence.
So welcome to Me. For that is the only thing you will receive here. To Me. And it is in Me,
that I hope and wish, that your Me blossoms.
I love you,
In Aeternum; Amor Vincit Omnia,