Once someone told me the definition of Hell: On your last day on Earth, the person you could have been will meet the person you ended up being.
And day by day, you water your Orchard.
With every Habit, Every Vice.
So now, close your eyes and with presence ask, what things am I doing in my daily life that I KNOW will ruin it in the long run? The answer is instantaneous. There it is. You always knew. Maybe it's what you eat. Maybe it's the hours on your phone before sleeping. Maybe it's attitudes. Maybe it's people who surround you. But you asked, and consciously you know! You already know what is keeping you from reaching greater happiness and experience!
But do you change?
You keep watering Your Noxious Orchard of Vice. And you continue. And continue. And the days pass. The months pass. And suddenly it's 2023.
What happened? With the gym? With the Language? With that course? How much did you water the Tree of Habit? It grew a lot. The rope is tightening. This time you realize. You have to stop watering it. You know it's ruining you, but still, you keep succumbing to it.
But do you change? Do you stop watering it? No.
And years go by. Each day taller, more rooted, your Noxious Orchard of Vice. And the rope already cuts off your air. And as time is, the years go. You are 80 and all this time you watered it. You are dissatisfied, you grumble at life. And how can you not grumble if there’s a rope cutting your air?
It’s your last day and you are already hanging by the neck.
You see someone approaching. Wow, how much they look like you. But no. They smile, stand taller, walk with an air of love.
Who knows what that person achieved to walk like that?
You envy them. You hate them.
They look you in the eye and you understand. That person you could have been. But you decided to water Your Toxic Habit.
And with a tear of regret,
you leave this world.
Or, if you have some wisdom, you stop watering Your Noxious Orchard, thank the great Viulet, and by simply ceasing to succumb to those habits you know only kill you and bring nothing but unhappiness and brief disconnection and oblivion, you start to notice how your life improves.
And Your Noxious Orchard of Vice.
dies in the drought.