Slave of the Mind
Because look at you. Look at us. Two slaves hanging. Hanging from justifications, hanging from reasons. Hanging from structure, hanging from logic. Hanging from Words. For if there is one thing the Mind does, it is to speak, to think. You think you think? HAHAHA, no. There is Thought. And your control over it today is probably almost null. Of course, the Mind is the most glorious tool there is, worthy of the most majestic sculptures and works. So, why do I attack like this?
Because in our unconsciousness, the tool becomes the master. And when the mind leads, fear leads. For the mind is words, and words are, at the end of the day, division. And division of categories and division of labels and division of me and division of you. In your unconsciousness, you remain hanging. For words, over which your control is almost null, lead your life. And those words say: NO.
We have no money. NO. We won’t be able to. NO. That’s for someone else, not for you. NO. That’s too risky, what if it goes wrong? NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. (It even feels bad to read the NO, right, NO?)
But you know you want to swim and your feet are so close to the water. For the mind, perhaps, once used and not used by, takes you to the door. But only to the door. And there comes a moment in every human life when one must jump. And “NOOO!” the intellect will scream. But the wisdom in you is so much more than the assembly of words and the sum of numbers. And you always knew the answer: “yes.”
For “In the beginning was the word...” Well, and what was the word?
“Yes.” “Yes to everything.”
“Yes to you. Yes to me.” “YES.” And your little feet at the water's edge. But you will have to jump. And we look at each other. Violet heads.
Of course, how could we not be suffocated, if since we remember, there was not a moment in our existence when we said and believed:
“Uff, that's it, I’m fine, everything is fine, everything is perfect, I need nothing more. I AM. Everything is already done. I will be who I am and the rest doesn’t matter at all.” (This doesn’t mean INACTION, to be a vegetable. ON THE CONTRARY! YOU ACTIVATE YOUR ESSENCE. YOU DO NOTHING, YOU ARE! And in that BEING, everything is done.) Surely, we always told ourselves:
“When I get this... then everything will be tremendous.” And then:
“Nanana, in the end, I needed this.”
No, more.
And suddenly, what happens when we have famous millionaire addicts miserable escaping from the even so contracted consciousness they have?
Escaping in lust, escaping in greed, escaping in pride, escaping and escaping and escaping until the final escape from which no one awakens. (Except Jesus, or maybe me, who died once, hahaha, I’ll tell you later). I met Poor Billionaires. I met Billionaire Vagabonds.
But the structured mind sees these examples and says:
“But I'm different, give me money, give me fame, give me all the sins I can commit that I, I with that will be fine.” Hahahahahaha. Wow. And I see you there hanging, brother. Sure, I'm still hanging right next to you, eh, and I tell you:
If you’re not fine NOW. If you’re not fine TODAY. If the Path is not ENJOYED. You won’t be fine tomorrow. But you are wise.
You already knew this. Not you MIND. Not you INTELLECT. You WISE. You BONES. You HEART.
“And what do we do?” you ask me, all scared. “I don’t know, sure, it’s safer if we stay here hanging. Tomorrow, when we get that new rope, I’m sure it’ll hurt less.” Replies Crafty Mind.
And POP.
I bring out scissors.
And you look at me.
And you smile.
The Heart spoke.
There is no rope stronger than the 'NO' you chose to believe.
The water calls you. Not to float, but to dive within yourself.
If you keep waiting for the mind to give you permission, you will never jump.
The jump is not an act of faith, it is a truly gangster act of remembering who you are.
There is no door to free you if the intellectual key remains fear.
The mind screams 'tomorrow' at you. The mind says it lacks something to release fear. To finally Be.
Because the jump is not the end, it is the beginning of all that you are. What is the jump? Only you know.
The intellect will never understand love because love does not need to be understood.
The mind will never let you jump because it doesn’t know how to swim. For the mind lives in “KNOWN”. The unknown, logically, terrifies it.
But the mind is not an enemy.
It is the utmost tool, poorly used by our unconsciousness. It trembles in fear.
Say YES to the mind too.
It needs a big hug.