For above all things; The Coward is the one who follows the words of the Mind over the Beats of the Heart. And it is with thousands of letters, slave to fear, that the mind comes to sweeten your ear and justify you. And justify you with logic, intellect, all those beautiful paths that life can offer. And there is only one problem. It never justifies YOUR path. And Your path is the one that moves through your blood with every beat. Because one ALWAYS knows the true answer. To what question? To the ultimate question. Who am I? Where am I supposed to be? Should I stay here? Clearly no, brother, otherwise, there would be no such question.
Is there more to life than this? CLEARLY YES, BROTHER! And it is in that question that love is speaking.
But fear disguises itself as logic, and with its words, it binds you. It tells you to stay in the known, not to take risks. And how long did you believe it? How long did you stand in the water of uncertainty, waiting for something to change but not moving? Because of course, moving hurts. But what does not move, dies.
And how long were you a coward? All your life? We are two.
This is the moment when something inside you gets tired of listening. You look at fear and say: Enough. Because the heart does not concern itself with how. The heart concerns itself with what. And what you have to bring to the world is infinite, it is unique, it is you.
The man stands in the water, body full of pain and doubts. Every muscle wants to escape. But he wears a laurel crown. Because he has already won. He won by recognizing himself, by looking at fear and continuing to walk regardless.
The woman, courage personified, feels the pain because, of course, change hurts creature of habits and attachments. But she leans forward.
And above all things, where the sword should emerge, an explosion of flowers bursts forth.
No matter how much the change hurts, for in pain life blossoms. Every tear that falls is another step toward leaving behind the coward you were. And courage does not deny the pain; it transforms it.
This work is the moment when you stop being a slave to fear and choose to reach out to the light.